There will be an organizational meeting on Thursday May 14th at 6:30 pm for anyone entering 9th through 12th grades and is interested in playing Boys Soccer next year. Due to the Grand Valley Local Schools Facility being closed this meeting will be held online using the Google Meet App. To receive your meeting invitation, please contact Mrs. Ferguson by email at . Please include the following information in your email when requesting an invitation.... the sport you are looking to play, athlete's name, the grade they will be entering and the email address you would like the invitation sent to. Thank You!
High School Updates:
*Seniors, cap and gown pick up is today, 9am-11am, South entrance.
*Seniors, keep checking your email this week for important updates on graduation.
*Seniors, graduation signs will be going in your yard hopefully this week.
*Seniors, if you still owe money, please reach out to Mrs. Gibbons by phone or email asap.
*GVHS students, this Wednesday will be the last day for assignment pick up in the foyer if you requested paper copies.
*GVHS students, please return your textbooks on locker item pick up day.
*Locker item pick up day is 5/18-5/20. See previous post on specifics.
*Please check with your child's teacher on when assignments are due for the end of the year.
Thank you!
Locker Pick Up for GVHS:
GVHS staff is busy gathering students locker items and labeling them for pick up.
Pick up will be next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (5/18-5/20).
On that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 8am-11am, 9th and 10th grade can pick up their bag.
On that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 11:00am-2:00pm, 11th and 12th grade can pick up their bag.
This will be a drive thru style pick up.
You will pull up along the South side entrance. Please have the students name and grade displayed in your car window.
Thank you!
Jostens will be at the Grand Valley main entrance on May 12th from 9:00 to 11:00 AM to distribute caps, gowns and announcements. It will be a drive thru style pick up. Any questions, please contact Mr. Varley by email. Thank you!
There will be an organizational meeting on Monday, May 11th at 6:30 pm for any lady entering 9th through 12th grades and is interested in playing Girls Soccer next year. Due to the Grand Valley Local Schools Facility being closed this meeting will be held online using the Google Meet App. To receive your meeting invitation, please contact Mrs. Ferguson by email at . Please include the following information in your email when requesting an invitation....the student athletes name, the grade they will be entering and the email address you would like the invitation sent to. Thank You and please stay safe!
Jostens will be at the GV main entrance on May 12th from 9:00-11:00 am to distribute caps, gowns, and announcements. It will be a drive thru style pick up. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Varley at
If your student turned money in for the Middle School Dodgeball tournament, the refunded money will be in your child's bag of their supplies. We look forward to seeing you all next year!
There will be an organizational meeting on Wednesday, May 6th at 6:30 pm for anyone entering 7th through 12th grades and is interested in running Middle School or High School Cross Country next year. Due to the Grand Valley Local Schools Facility being closed, this meeting will be held online using the Google Meet App. To receive your meeting invitation please contact Mrs. Ferguson by email at or Coach Fisher by email at Please include the following information in your email when requesting an invitation....the student athletes name, the grade they will be entering and the email address you would like the invitation sent to. Thank You and please stay safe!
Hi Grand Valley Elementary Kids and Families,
This is Dr. Winer and this is your weekly update.
Tomorrow, Monday, is our last PACKET PICK-UP! This packet will have some projects to do, some virtual field trips and hopefully learning mixed with fun. Packets will be available from 1:00pm until 6:00pm. As always, just pull up to the office doors. A sign in the window is best so we can stay socially distant and safe. We will have several teachers out there ready to give you your work. Some classes may not have a packet but if you have speech, OT or PT services, you have a packet so come on down!
4th Graders....PTO wants to make sure you get your T-shirts so we need you to come to school tomorrow to sign your name on the numbers 2020, the year you graduate from the Elementary School to the Middle School. Please come between 1 and 6 and we will bring the pen and papers out to your car for you to sign.
We will have a school supplies pick up on Friday, May 22nd, from 1:00pm-6:00pm BUT AT THE CAFETERIA DOORS. We will have all your stuff in a bag and, just like the packet-pick-up, please stay in your cars, put up your sign and we will bring your bag out to you.
That’s it for now. I know this has gotten old. It’s been stressful for our kids, families and teachers, but we will get through this. We are so very proud of all of you! You’ve worked very hard. Please know that we miss you so much and we really wish you were here at school.
Stay Safe and Healthy!
There will be an organizational meeting Monday May 4th at 6:30 pm for anyone entering 7th through 12th grades and is interested in playing Middle School or High School Football next year. Due to the Grand Valley Facility being closed, this meeting will be online. To receive your meeting invitation please contact Coach Nims by email at Thank You!!
This is a reminder that there is an organizational meeting tonight at 6:30 pm for any lady entering 7th through 12th grades and is interested in playing Middle School or High School Volleyball. Due to the Grand Valley Facility being closed, this meeting will be online. To receive your meeting invitation please contact Mrs. Ferguson by e-mail at Thank You
The Grand Valley Athletic Department would like to invite any student who will be entering 9th through 12th grades and is interested in trying out for Cheerleading for the 2020 Football Season to attend this years information meeting tonight at 6:30 pm. Due to the closure of the Grand Valley Facilities this meeting will be conducted online or by phone using Google Meet. If you are interested in attending this meeting, please contact the Administrative Athletic Secretary Diane Ferguson at 440-805-4190 or email her at with your Name, Grade Level and Email Address before 6 pm tonight. Your meeting invitation link will be sent to you via the email address provided. If you are interested in becoming a Cheerleader for the 2020 Football Season but are unable to attend this meeting please contact Mrs. Ferguson for more information. Thank You and we miss seeing all of you!
Attention Seniors:
Seniors should have received a Graduate Checklist of information in the mail from the Guidance Department. Forms can be found on the school web page under the Grand Valley High School link. Please reach out to our Guidance Department if you have any questions about fees, scholarships, or community service. We are happy to help. Stay safe.
To GV Seniors and Parents from the Conversation Station:
Conversation Station is implementing an “Adopt-A-Senior” program for Grand Valley Senior students. Seniors will be randomly paired with a caring family in the community who will send them an encouraging congratulatory card (and possibly a small token, like a gift-card) in the mail. Parents of seniors would simply need to send their students name and address to if they want to participate in the program, and they will confidentially send the information to a family on the list! Then, the family will send something to the senior in hopes to help lift their spirits and let them know that the community is thinking of them during this time.
Please contact the CS for more details!
To the GV Community from the Conversation Station:
Conversation Station is implementing an “Adopt-A-Senior” program for Grand Valley Senior students. Seniors will be randomly paired with a caring family in the community who will send them an encouraging congratulatory card (and possibly a small token, like a gift-card) in the mail.
Please email the CS if you are interested!
Attention Seniors:
Please check your GV email to see an important message from Mr. Hitchcock regarding graduation.
Thank you!
GV Spirit Week 4/27-5/1
Let's have some fun!!!
Starting on Monday, April 27th, we are going to do a spirit week!
Please plan to take pictures.
Monday (April 27): Mustang Monday! Wear your favorite Mustang gear to support our GV family.
Tuesday(April 28): Hat Day! Hats off to our essential employees!
Wednesday (April 29): Wonderful Wednesday! Dress up like people that make you feel wonderful! (Your parents, doctors, scientists, teachers, etc.)
Thursday (April 30): WE NEED A VACATION DAY! Dress like you are on a vacation.
Friday (May 1): Fancy Friday! Get dressed up fancy to support our juniors and seniors for what would have been Prom Night.
Students, you can add them to our shared drive, using your Grand Valley Google account by going to your Google Drive, clicking on “Shared Drives,” “GV Spirit Week,” and uploading your photos to the day of the week for which you took the picture. You can also send them to us in an email and we will add them to the drive for you ( for the High school. ( for the Middle school. ( for the Elementary school. We will be creating a slide as well for the students. We will not be using videos, only pictures.
This is a great way to stay connected and have some fun. We hope you will participate!
Just a few pictures from today’s lunch pick -ups. Thank you to Reel‘s Auto for always supporting the community in Grand Valley. Every family who picked up a lunch today received a large one topping pizza courtesy of Reel‘s Auto!
Cap and Gowns:
We will hear soon from our Jostens representative about a day and time when our Seniors can expect to get these.
Stay tuned and stay safe everyone!
A Message for GVES Kids and Families