Rachel’s Challenge Assembly for the 7th and 8th Grade
To all Grand Valley Middle School parents,
Your child will be coming home with a letter about an assembly we will be having first thing tomorrow morning. The assembly is the Rachel’s Challenge. The focus of the assembly is to teach students how to spread kindness and respect , stop social isolationism, and prevent bullying. Some of the content in the assembly will be very emotional as Rachel was one of the students killed in the Columbine shooting. If you are concerned that your child may have a negative experience because there will be a discussion about the Columbine shooting, specifically relating to Rachel, please return the letter that is coming home with your child today and is also posted under the News on the Grand Valley website. This letter will confirm that you do NOT want your child to participate.
Thank you.
Ms. Cozad
Middle school cookie dough orders will be in Tuesday, November 20. If your child sold more than five boxes please plan to come to the school to pick them up right after school at 2:15. We will send no more than five boxes home on the school buses. Thank you to all who participated!
GVHS Seniors:
Jostens will be here during lunch tomorrow to collect your cap and gown orders.
ATech Seniors-Jostens will schedule a day to go directly to ATech.
Have a great day GV!
The Rachel's Challenge assemblies will take place at the GVMS tomorrow and GVHS on Friday. The initiative centers on kindness and building a more positive culture. Some pieces may be emotional. Please visit rachelschallenge.org for a question and answer explanation.
This Thursday's (11-15-2018) MS Girls Basketball Game at Bloomfield has been canceled. Thank You!
Look at those smiling ATech faces!!
All senior GV and senior GV ATech students received their cap and gown order packet from Josten’s Friday. We have more in the office if you need it. Be sure to talk to your student about the deadline to order.
Have a great day GV!
MS Veterans Day Assembly
MS Veterans Day Assembly
MS Veterans Day Assembly
This is a week late, but no less heartfelt. A big thank you to Chris Kennedy, George & Jon Korell’s grandma, for setting up, working all five days, and packing up the GVMS PTO Book Fair! We’re lucky to have Chris and the library received generous donations from an anonymous mom & some of our students for our library which is TOTALLY funded by donations.
Good afternoon ATech Families!
Mrs. Brumit went to ATech today and delivered the November newsletter to our students. Check it out on our website. Go to the high school link and look under documents.
Have a great day GV!
GVHS students utilizing Chromebooks and creativity in art, English, and history.
Have a great day Grand Valley!
My mom is STILL giving me money after 47 years! Thanks to Judy Kampf for donating the funds to purchase books for GVMS’s library and supporting your kid and GV’s kids.
Attention Grand Valley Elementary School Families:
Candy Bar pickup dates have changed. You will be able to pick up your candy bars on Monday, November 12th and Tuesday, November 13th in the Grand Valley Elementary School Library from 3:00-5:30. Also, Square Art orders and money must be in no later than Friday, November 9th. Thank you so much for supporting our school by participating in this fund raiser.
Interaction 2018 at Tallmadge High School
Interaction 2018 at Tallmadge High School
Interaction 2018 at Tallmadge High School
Interaction 2018 at Tallmadge High School
GVHS French presentation.